All you need to know about car shipping by Move Car

Move Car informational directory has been established to help answer all your concerns

Move Car informational directory has been established to help answer all your concerns

Most Common FAQs For Your Knowledge | Move Car

Before Shipping

Does Move Car guarantee a pickup or delivery date and a specified time?

Yes, we do! We guarantee the pick-up dates as per the availability of our customers as we always prioritize the comfort of our customers. All you need to do is specify the date and time when you want your car to be picked up by our trucker and the trucker will reach the specified location on the specific date to pick up your car. Just keep in mind, specifying a particular time slot will add to the shipping charges you need to pay us. However, due to uncertain conditions on the road, we don’t guarantee a delivery date but we try our best to deliver shipped vehicles as early as possible.

How can I pay my shipping charges?

Customers can choose a variety of ways to pay our shipping charges online through all major credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. You can also choose to pay through cash at the time of delivery. However, if you are paying in cash at the time of delivery, you need to pay a partial amount like $200 or less as per the distance of your shipment as security. This will help us secure the place of your vehicle on the truck.

What is the Door to Door vehicle shipping process?

Door to Door auto transport is the most convenient method of vehicle shipping. It involves the pickup and the drop off of the vehicle at the doorstep of a customer or the nearest secure place to the specified location. Many areas across states don’t allow large trucks to enter residential areas of a city. Additionally, large trucks require a lot of space to move and turn around. In case if the access to your specified location or home is not possible because of narrow streets, speed bumps, and tight turns then our trucker will request you to meet at a large parking spot or a safe space where our truck can reach easily and hand over your vehicle to the trucker for shipping or receive it. Our trucker will contact you directly for this purpose.

How long do I have to stay without my car?

We have a sheet of distance in miles and days you have to wait in the ideal circumstances for your vehicle. These figures usually stand true if everything goes normal. However, a fluctuation may occur because of any unexpected event or uncertain circumstances on highways. If your vehicle is shipped under a distance of 200 miles or equal to 200 miles, you will only wait for 1 to 2 calendar days. In the case of distance somewhere between 200 to 600 miles, then the expected wait limit is 2 to 4 days. For 600 to 1000 miles, it is 3 to 5 days, 4 to 6 in the case of 1000 to 1500. Similarly, in the case of 2000 t0 2400 miles, you have to wait for 6 to 8 days. If the distance is longer than 2400 miles, then customers have to wait for 7 to 9 days.

What is meant by ‘First Available Shipping Date’?

It is the date when we are ready to pick up your vehicle. However, it should be noted that it is not a fixed time slot or date. It depends on the availability of the truck that is assigned to ship your vehicle. It depends upon the circumstances, we may pick your vehicle at the first available shipping date or it may get delayed for a few days. If you want to have your car delivered at a specified location on an immediate basis, you can opt for the expedited auto transport process and have it delivered as early as possible.

Awaiting Pickup

What type of truck will be used for the transportation of my car?

The type of truck used to ship your car totally depends on the shipping method you choose. If you choose open car shipping then a truck with an open trailer will ship your car, otherwise, a truck with an enclosed car will do the job. Rest assured, your vehicle will never get damaged because of our trucks whether it is open or enclosed.

How do I know the pickup date and time for my vehicle?

Once a truck is assigned or dispatched for shipping of your car, we will notify you with a “Dispatch Notification” through email with the estimated pick up date and time and the trucker’s contact info. Our trucker will contact you a few hours before arriving at your specified location to pick up your vehicle for shipping.

What I need to do to prepare my car for shipment?

Make sure your car is clean in such a way that existing damages are perfectly visible. Also, make sure that you have removed your personal items from the vehicle. Any type of external modification that is removable should be removed and placed inside the vehicle. As a precautionary measure, cover the driver seat and driver mat with a cloth or plastic cover to make sure it doesn’t get dirty when the trucker uses it for loading and unloading. Remove automatic toll devices and disable security features to keep it simple and easy for the trucker to unload and load your vehicle. Just make sure the fuel tank of your vehicle is quarter filled for loading and unloading purposes of your vehicle but don’t leave more fuel than a quarter of the tank, this will add more weight.

Can I change my first available shipping date?

Yes, the customers can change their first available shipping date for the pickup of their car unless a carrier is assigned or dispatched to carry out the shipping of their car. Once a carrier is assigned the customer will be unable to change the first available shipping date because of any reason.

Awaiting Delivery

How do I pay for the transportation of my car?

There are various options for payment of your vehicle’s shipping. You can pay through discounted cash payment as truckers are willing to carry out the shipping of your vehicle at a discounted price if you are willing to pay them in cash on delivery of the vehicle. Additionally, you can pay the regular price through a credit card or PayPal. With PayPal, you can also finance the shipping of the vehicle, however, it is subjected to PayPal’s terms and conditions. If no option is available then the customer can use wire transfer or bank account transfer as well.

Do I have to pay the trucker even if I’m not fully satisfied with the auto shipping services?

Yes, you are liable to pay the trucker even if you are not fully satisfied according to the Federal Law. In case if you withhold full or partial payment of the trucker because of any issue, the trucker is legally allowed to hold your vehicle unless you pay the full amount to the trucker. In case, if you have any issues with the services of the trucker, we are here to help.

How do I pay the trucker at delivery?

If you opt for the credit card or PayPal payment, you don’t have to pay anything to the trucker. In case, if you want to pay through the discounted cash price then you need to pay the shipping charges of your vehicle at the delivery to the trucker in the form of cash or certified funds like a money order or a cashier’s check. Keep in mind that personal checks or credit cards for payment at delivery to the trucker are not acceptable.

Is there any sales tax on car shipping?

It should be noted that you don’t have to pay sales tax on your car shipping charges as it is a tax-exempt service. The prices shown on the tariff are all-inclusive and you don’t have to pay any kind of additional or hidden charges.

We want to assure our customers are always satisfied

For other questions, you can call our customer support team any time